my lavender blues


Since this post is linked up to my skill share class, I am skipping my usual rambling rants and going straight into the recipe. However if this is your first time here and would like to get to know me a little bit better (because I like to be wine’d and dine’d first) check out […]

Apple Hand Pie


My sister got my son a full drum set (cymbals & all) for Christmas. I don’t think I have ever hated live music more than I do now. I’m not kidding you. He’s so terrible. He can’t even keep a beat.  You probably think I’m being incredibly harsh and am one of those non-encouraging parents […]

Edamame, Artichoke & Fennel Salad


Short ‘n sweet, ain’t nobody got time for a novel today.  Since I’ve been dying a slow death over here, and since my rear end is basically now covered in bed sores from being completely immobile and an almost waste of life, and having overloaded my nights on Hot Toddy’s I decided I needed a pick […]

Easy Meat & Rice Stuffed Cabbage Rolls


  I literally feel as if I’m on my deathbed right now. However I feel that way every single time I have any sign of a cold/cough. I also decide to WebMD every single symptom and always end up with the same conclusion: I’m going to die. So this time around, in order to not […]

Pecan, Vanilla Chai & Chocolate Granola


  The in between. The what is and what is not. The gray area. The glass that is both half empty & half full.  The I’m kind of fat, but not really.  Current. Mood. I think I finally figured out why someone out there decided to make an Advent calendar. Something needs to hold me […]

Healthier Asian Chicken Kale Wraps


    Hope your Thanksgiving was fabulous and that you stuffed yourself silly. And if you didn’t, I did for you.  I gained the Turkey Ten. I haven’t exactly weighed myself to check, but I think the fact that I actually popped a button when doing the “pants dance” (extreme lunges and squats) after pulling […]

Sweet n Creamy Avocado Smoothie


          Breakfast was going really well until this happened…………     The teeniest speck of avocado mash got on his finger and shhhhh hit the fan…..   Game. Over. Sunday morning made “easy”. With the stress of, well, life, along with Thanksgiving being only days away (and seven pies that need […]

Avocado Mash, Bacon Bits & Shaped Eggs


SO basically I took a hiatus from frequent recipe posting last week due to extreme stress and a trip to the big apple to visit my high school girlfriends who are now all on their way to getting hitched. God rest their souls. No, totally kidding. I’m incredibly happy for them and they all deserve […]

Easy Italian Sausage & Pecan Roasted Brussel Sprouts