Football season is depressing AF this year. Both cowboys & patriots are in it to possibly win it and the thought of that happening to either team makes me lose my appetite. Which basically is unheard of. So therefore I am probably lying. Which I am, sadly. SO I retract the losing my appetite statement. That was […]
As I was binge watching some stand up with my coffee, as I do most mornings to start the day off right, Louis CK really pulled on a couple of my heart strings. (yes I realize that this isn’t always the norm, most start with a giant dose of depressing reality of current events, whereas I prefer a […]
And just like that 2016: It’s funny how we all (well the majority) of us anxiously wait for this day to come to finally start making healthier choices. Or maybe more messed up. But whatever does the trick I guess, amiright? I definitely fall victim to that as I literally made sure to eat like […]
Whew, that Kris Kringle sure knows how to dine and dash. Hot damn did this Christmas/Holiday season go by super fast (don’t worry I am fully aware that New Years Eve has still yet to pass, but since it usually involves shit hitting the fan I rather click ignore and pretend like it is just another […]
Does anyone else feel that Christmas is very un-christmassy this year because it falls on the weekend? For holiday purposes, it just doesn’t feel as special falling on a Sunday. It also has really messed up my weekend before Holiday shopping, as I usually reserve the Saturday & Sunday before Christmas to get this done. […]
So this Thanksgiving I’ve been trying to stick to the basics. Giving cosmetic tweaks to those dishes that are in need of a little botox and the occasional filler. I have zero problem with change, but I’ve just been through so much that sometimes familiarity in my life is best. But this is also partially due to my […]
Holy Heart Failure, Batman! What a week, woo wee. You can say that ten times fast, but actually you can, this is one of those sayings that it is physically possible. And I wanted to cut you all a break. With emotions running at an all time HIGH, I don’t care who you were voting for, […]
I’ve been delayed with posting 1) Because I’m basically a slug covered in salt these days 2) I’ve been working like a dog on projects outside of this blog (which I hate when I allow other work to get in the way, sorry guys) 3) I’ve been watching West World and therefore my mood has […]