Great, my first official sunburn and EVEN THAT GIVES ME ACNE. you guys. what da ell is wrong wif me. isn’t vitamin D supposed to be a good thing!? take me back to winter and my blinding grandpa legs. someone. anyone. please. just kidding. i’m currently rockin’ a thick pair of gramps walkers due to the […]
The good news about being halfway productive this past weekend: I AM caught UP on recipe development! Actually I’m so caught up that I can take a weekend “off” from blog related recipes. This is basically unheard of. I’m usually 10,000 steps behind, always. The bad news about being this productive with recipe development is […]
Sooooo I joined weight watchers and nearly poo’ed myself when I found out that one cup of my store-bought granola was TWENTY ONE POINTS. OUT OF THIRTY. I had completely screwed myself for the rest of the day, knowing that my evening wine takes up a solid ten points and there was literally no way I was going […]