I don’t know about your household, but mine is always overflowing with leftovers. I mean, it’s just me, and it’s very difficult sometimes to cut my recipes in half and cook for two. Well in this case, one. Whenever I recipe develop I like to try and cook all meals for a group of 4-6, […]
Why is it at the end of the day, that whenever I know I have a mouth watering home cooked meal in the fridge leftover from a morning slaving away in the kitchen, I end up sitting down with a big glass of wine and a big ol’ bowl of popcorn. If it makes […]
Happy Monday (said no one ever). Especially a Monday that has followed a weekend filled with belligerence and over indulgence of Halloween candy. It left me with a headache, a belly ache and mouth sores. Way to go America! It also left me feeling incredibly lazy and not wanting to make any home cooked meal. […]
In the mean time I spend 99 percent of my evenings at home with a home cooked meal. Girls gotta save. Also my son is currently in a “throwing food” stage. I rather avoid hitting the nice lady sitting next to me. And I obviously love to eat at home, or why the hell else would […]
The meat that keeps on giving. Seriously. I can make a thousand (okay maybe I’m exaggerating slightly) meals with this juicy hunk of protein. It really is worth every single penny spent. I happened to purchase mine from a local butcher and was kind of choking when he told me the price, however, the flavor […]