my lavender blues


So. Mom was in town for the last two weeks, and you know what they say… Rose (rose-ay) All day. Nothing better than your skin feeling a bit like grape jerky after overdoing it in the alcohol + crappy food department. my face is basically a wrinkly raisin. total malepellent (male repellent). *yay* just kidding, i […]

Broiled Lamb Rib Chop Thai Coconut Satay


Football season is depressing AF this year. Both cowboys & patriots are in it to possibly win it and the thought of that happening to either team makes me lose my appetite. Which basically is unheard of. So therefore I am probably lying. Which I am, sadly. SO I retract the losing my appetite statement. That was […]

Kickin’ Jambalaya with Cauliflower Rice


I’m on what feels like my tenth cup of coffee right now, and by tenth I mean second, and am pretty sure someone decided to slip a little speed into the ol’ jo this morning. Not exactly sure how to exert all of this new and completely unwelcome burst of adrenaline but thinking I should probably […]

One Pot Chicken Curry (In A Hurry)


Holy cheese & rice. I decided to wear shorts today (75 degrees is definitely the new 90) and I am pretty sure I am still blind in my left eye due to alabaster leg pigment (apparently my right eye was suiting an eye patch at the time of exposure).  Move over Sean Patrick Flannery, this girl […]

Healthy Cauliflower Rice Bibimbap


If I was told that the only food that I could have for the rest of my life was butter chicken? I’d die a happy (and probably smelly) death. Seriously. The entire time I was making this my son kept saying “pee-ew”. Sadly he also seems to use that phrase whenever he sees me changing.  Not […]

Butter Chicken over Cauliflower Rice


  Why is it that when I basically drop a frying pan while my son is sleeping it doesn’t disturb him however when I literally hold a sneeze in all hell breaks loose.  Arghhhhhhhhhh.  I’m going on basically zero-none sleep currently and loads beyond loads of caffeine is fueling my current state of mind. Heartburn […]

Indian Spiced Cauliflower Rice