life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. or in my case, when you’re busy watching crap hit the fan. mostly because i 100 percent avoid the planning bit and allow my anxiety to build over the lack of control I have (even though it could be a totally controlled situation) and then […]
Is that a popsicle in your hand or are you just happy to see me? I know, that is not how the saying goes, like at all, but as a female that whole popsicle in pants would 100 percent not work and the latter is just so much more realistic. Okay maybe it wouldn’t […]
Someone recently told me that dating (post divorce) is just like riding a bicycle. this person has clearly never seen me ride a bike. like ever. and if they had seen me ride a bike, they would probably just push me off of it and ask me to use the two walking limbs that God […]
I first would like to point out how i’m basically an oxymoron writing this post. Currently stuffing my face with cheddar, honey mustard & bacon toast on a buttery brioche bun (if you follow me on snapchat you will have gotten a little sneaky peak of what this goodness actually looked like) while attempting to […]
Sooooo I joined weight watchers and nearly poo’ed myself when I found out that one cup of my store-bought granola was TWENTY ONE POINTS. OUT OF THIRTY. I had completely screwed myself for the rest of the day, knowing that my evening wine takes up a solid ten points and there was literally no way I was going […]
Most of the time I need to produce a dessert hack to convince myself that what I am eating is actually indeed healthy for me, in which case, portion control is handed a “get out of jail free” card and can be guiltlessly tossed out the window. Which in turn allows me to fully participate in a […]
Go home Jack Frost, nobody likes you. At least nobody normal likes you. The only thing you did for me was cause a forced night to stay in and drink copious amounts of wine and eat far too many slices of ‘za. And then instead of going to the gym the next day like I SHOULD […]
I literally feel as if I’m on my deathbed right now. However I feel that way every single time I have any sign of a cold/cough. I also decide to WebMD every single symptom and always end up with the same conclusion: I’m going to die. So this time around, in order to not […]