my lavender blues


So. Mom was in town for the last two weeks, and you know what they say… Rose (rose-ay) All day. Nothing better than your skin feeling a bit like grape jerky after overdoing it in the alcohol + crappy food department. my face is basically a wrinkly raisin. total malepellent (male repellent). *yay* just kidding, i […]

Broiled Lamb Rib Chop Thai Coconut Satay


I’ve got a thing for ‘taters. More specifically tots.  And I also really love this scene in Napoleon Dynamite, which I am pretty sure increased tater tot sales by…. oh I don’t know…. 500000 percent. Or more. Definitely more. And if that left you numb, then I’m #sorrynotsorry. But I also love hasselback potatoes. They […]

Greek Loaded Hasseltots


  I’m officially walking around the apartment with a tampon stuck up each nostril as allergies are literally taking over my current state of well-being.  *Double heel clicks for spring* But despite the ruby raw skin stache I’m developing above my upper lip due to constant blowing (hence tampons up the nose) I’m really really really excited for […]

Smoked Leg of Lamb & Roasted Brussels Sprouts