Guys. HAPPY Turkey Day! I’ll be spending my day at P-masta flex’s home with David and we are suuuuper excited. I also have five days to myself with the baby-child which has added an extra pep to my step (and also bracing myself for 10 thousand tantrums, because… toddlers and tantrums are a […]
Someone recently told me that dating (post divorce) is just like riding a bicycle. this person has clearly never seen me ride a bike. like ever. and if they had seen me ride a bike, they would probably just push me off of it and ask me to use the two walking limbs that God […]
It’s officially cold here in the Midwest (though Missouri is definitely more Mideast, whatever, much like their drivers, these midwesterners are in a constant state of confusion). Seriously. And this is coming from a terrible driver. Which people so kindly love to express their concerns to me while I’m in the drivers seat (apparently I’m […]
I first would like to point out how i’m basically an oxymoron writing this post. Currently stuffing my face with cheddar, honey mustard & bacon toast on a buttery brioche bun (if you follow me on snapchat you will have gotten a little sneaky peak of what this goodness actually looked like) while attempting to […]
Start spreading the news, I’m apparently staying today……. I’ve got my New York Bagels here, in the middle of the USA. I’m basically the female version of Sinatra. Which is also probably the biggest insult to the east coast, apologies. If you live in the midwest, dirty south, west coast, basically anywhere other than the tri state […]
IF you follow me on instagram you already know that this recipe was completely stumbled upon / on accident. I mean, not totally on accident, as I literally had no bread, oatmeal or cereal in the pantry when it came time for my son to eat breakfast, and I knew the only thing I […]