Thank the LARD the holidays are over. Even though I barely participated this year socially because I was a true scrooge mcduck, I’m so *grateful* it’s come and gone. Woo wee. January is for being selfish and I’m LIVING for everything being about me (again) 🙂 Anyone else? Or am I the only asshole out […]
You guys! Hi hi hi. I missed you all. But I’ve been busy. Which is no excuse. However if you follow me on instagram you’ve been keeping up on all the new… news. For instance. A house! That I get to fix up! And paint (the worst). But there is a new studio set up […]
you guys you. adult placne (plagued acne, because I will shorten anything I can and then take an hour longer to explain the shortened version. life, made difficult, as per always) but for rills. the last year of my twenties should be a glorious one, but alas, here i am just begging for some menopause to […]
Current happenings in my life, myself on dinner dates. Me: Orders food, politely picks at food, being sure to chew like 100 times per bite. The moment date leaves for the bathroom: The moment date returns far too quickly from bathroom trip, clearly forgetting to wash hands: The struggle is real. Which is why dinner dates […]
Holy Heck it’s been a little while. And I HATE that. But you know what I hate more? My Christmas tree that literally was smacked with a pry-mantis plague the two days that I was out of town for work andddddddddd I basically pooped my pants upon discovery. Like. Are you kidding me…………….. Hashtag: #notblessed […]
It’s the weekend of the fourth and we are expecting an unholy amount of rain. Which i am 90 percent looking forward to due to the fact that my entire family is signed up for a “freedom” race at 7AM (like what??) and the thought of running one mile makes my legs ache, so three, hungover, […]
Why is it at the end of the day, that whenever I know I have a mouth watering home cooked meal in the fridge leftover from a morning slaving away in the kitchen, I end up sitting down with a big glass of wine and a big ol’ bowl of popcorn. If it makes […]