Well this is awkward. Never thought I’d see the day where I’d begin to pay attention to this website and give it a long overdue bath. Not just a quick on the go sponge bath, but like a full bring on the bath bomb and bubble it up type of bath. BUT I DID IT. […]
Guys. This month has been the WORST. Okay that’s being slightly melodramatic but I mean it hasn’t been the best. Well talking more physical health then mental, but then in the long wrong, don’t the two kind of walk hand in hand? Eventually whatever is going on takes a toll on your body […]
Butter my buns and call me a biscuit, What in the world did I just agree to? The exact thoughts (except insert profanity where needed) that ran through my head when I responded “yes” to a dinner proposal from Eckerts Farm asking if I would be willing to put together a pop up meal […]
Another long title brought to you by yours truly, an english professionals nightmare, myself. anywhos. it’s been a little while, but that is because i’ve been a little busy. which is no excuse. i also feel like i sound like a broken record these days as i am pretty sure 90 percent of my last […]
Annnnnnddddd now breathe. Can my titles continue to be any longer? Oh why, yes, yes they can. Challenge: accepted. Sidenote: anyone else here love to create challenges or goals after the task of said challenge/goal has already been completed? Nothing like good ol’ self trickery just to feel semi on top of ones crap. Sometimes I’ll go […]
Great, my first official sunburn and EVEN THAT GIVES ME ACNE. you guys. what da ell is wrong wif me. isn’t vitamin D supposed to be a good thing!? take me back to winter and my blinding grandpa legs. someone. anyone. please. just kidding. i’m currently rockin’ a thick pair of gramps walkers due to the […]
Welp, I guess I’ll be focusing on the commercials + food this years Super Bowl. But then, who am I kidding. Have I ever focused on anything else? I think not. Unless my Giants were playing. Then I would maybe pay 1 percent more attention than what I already do. discount double check The literal only […]
Politics, shmolitics. Elephant in the room here. Tomorrow is election day and I think the “Dooms Day Preppers” are going to be having the last laugh. Any which way you spin it, it’s a total crap shoot and just like this recipe, Americas nuts are going to be up for roasting no matter the ending […]