Happy Hallows Eve! I remember back in high school my girlfriends and I decided to go around tossing eggs at kids who were vandalizing homes. We didn’t even make it past the first egg after an attempted toss which landed on the ceiling of my car, as oppose to out the window. That was embarrassment […]
Why is it that when I basically drop a frying pan while my son is sleeping it doesn’t disturb him however when I literally hold a sneeze in all hell breaks loose. Arghhhhhhhhhh. I’m going on basically zero-none sleep currently and loads beyond loads of caffeine is fueling my current state of mind. Heartburn […]
I had the most relaxing weekend of mah life. Literally. I actually did nothing. Well nothing as in, I didn’t have to be anywhere at any certain time. I also didn’t come into contact with anyone I knew. Which is quite surprising since the area I live in in St. Louis is like my family compound. […]
I literally have had some MAJOR recipe fails followed (thank God) by some MAJOR wins! I wanted to jump off of a bridge yesterday after spending seven hours in the kitchen and accomplishing nothing but pure $#!T. Just a giant mess to clean up and several large glugs of wine. Thankfully by this morning my […]