Currently experiencing Monday Morning anxiety #thestruggleisreal.
Or more like, #iputwaytoomuchsugarinmycoffeeandicantstopshaking
Now picturing how in seven years there is a very strong chance my life synopsis will be comparable to Matt Foley’s, however praying that the van at the very least is an airstream.
Thank you Mondays, for bringing out my inner negativity and making me look at the glass half empty (you’re too kind).
But you know what could turn this frown upside down?
This white and green asparagus spring pizza with onions caramelized in truffle oil.
Yeah. That did the trick.
Recipe Notes:
I use both white and green asparagus for this pizza. However if white asparagus is not available please just go ahead and use green. White asparagus is a little more mild in flavor and the stalks must be peeled before consumption. The color difference comes from the white asparagus being deprived of sunlight (which is a process known as etiolation, therefore, no chlorophyll). I chose to use both varieties for aesthetic purposes and to up my table talk game.
Truffle oil really brings some warmth to this meal and highly recommend using it over any other oil that you may have sitting in your pantry. A little goes a long way.
The recipe that I used for the pizza dough is definitely a favorite of mine, that you can find here. It’s incredibly easy to make, and nothing beats homemade dough. If making your own dough however sounds like a daunting task, go to your nearest pizza parlor and ask if you can purchase a ball of their dough, most great restaurants will not hesitate and will usually only charge you a couple of bucks (or throw it in for free).
This recipe makes two large flat bread pizzas (or two 14″ round disks) however I cut the recipe in half for myself, and used the other half for some killer garlic knots (recipe to come). You may also freeze the dough and save it for a rainy day.
This dough rises a lot in the oven, so if you feel like you have rolled it out way too thin, you haven’t. trust me. unless of course you’re complete ripping the dough. then you probably did go too far and are more than likely experiencing some intense muscle cramps in your forearms.
I’ve been wanting to try an asparagus styled pizza and this recipe is the most desirable (and i am literally matt foley right now sooooo…….. thanks for the laugh)
Thanks Sammy! Hope you enjoy! and happy you could laugh as well 🙂
That Chris Farley skit is such a classic, nice call. And this pizza looks sick, will have to try it out.
thanks jay! couldn’t agree more!