Is it just me…. or does this Dumb & Dumber scene also pop into your head any time anyone mentions “sea bass”:
And that is maybe my 29801023981 D & D reference on this blog. Time to watch some new films.
….So you’re saying there’s a chance?
(Or perhaps not).
Any who. It’s mid February, tulips are in full bloom and…. wtf … ? My allergies are literally ruining my dating game (that is basically nonexistent to begin with) and now going on week 3 of what sounds like a New Orleans Brass band performing in my nose. holy sneeze and rice.
IF you’re patient enough, your fish will not catch fire (like my photos). This happened because I was a) impatient b) more impatient. Instead of waiting for my coals to properly heat up to temperature and let sit for 25 minutes, I instead chose to add another match to the coals to speed things up and plopped the fish down not realizing there was a flame somewhere underneath. In turn, oil/butter dripped on down and ta-da. A weber wildfire was formed and my fish took the brunt of it. BUT. I didn’t mind. The skin fell off (as I wanted) and the meat was still moist. Be sure to cook the fish until it doesn’t stick to the grate, and then flip. If you flip too soon the skin will stick to the grates, but as the fish cooks the skin will tighten and crisp up, giving you beautiful grill marks and a nice crispy flesh (that isn’t torn to pieces like mine).
Again it’s on the inside that counts (said no tinder date ever) amiright?
Once the fish has finished cooking, remove and gently peel back the crispy skin (which will be very easy to do) and carefully pull the meat off the bones (nothing more annoying than pulling fish bones out of ones teeth… super un-cute). I chose to serve the fish over a bed of watercress greens… arugula would work just fine here or plop it in between two slices of bread and you got you and yo sthweet thang a fisth sthandwich.
Sea Bass had a date with Jenny Craig
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