my lavender blues


    My son currently has 4 teeth coming. Let me repeat :  FOUR. At ONCE. And let me just say he isn’t the most graceful teether. I’ve read about children either reacting to teething or not (who are those kids, and what the hell is in their milk. Share.) However I’ve also learned that […]

Healthier Pumpkin Apple Muffins


    SO with holidays approaching and the weather cooling down my body has entered the stage of hyperthagia. Which is a bit of a problem being that it is only September and I might already need to be whipping out the fat pants….. F$#@.         My son has also been ill, […]

Cinnabon Pull Apart Bread


I once had a food blog prior to this one. It actually was being read. And commented on. And featured on some others websites. And occasional “desserts you should try” articles. No awards, it was only “live” for six months. I started the blog as a distraction for the troubles I was facing in my […]

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits


  Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit! How have I never made cultured butter before? Not only that but how have I never made good old fashioned buttermilk? I didn’t even know it was possible. OH but it is. So very possible. And so very easy. Just takes a little bit of […]

Homemade Cultured Butter and Buttermilk


There is something about a home baked carbohydrate that fills any little hole in my heart with great momentary warmth and makes me feel completely at ease. This is one of the reasons why I love to bake. And cook. But mostly bake. I love every method to the madness it entails and the mess that it […]

Easy Oven Baked Buttermilk Loaf Bread


If only my mornings were as storybook as the pictures shown. In. My. Dreams. But then that’s what taking pictures are for…. right? Capturing our “castle in the air” and turning it into reality, or in this case just a staged moment in time. When I close my eyes and think of a biscotti, I imagine a […]

No Stress Honey & Lavender Biscotti