This month we are in the midst of christmas prep madness, funnakkah and universal new years eve celebrations. Talk about cramming it all in. What da ell man. No wonder why end of January and pretty much all of February is severely depressing. Unless you live somewhere warm. You win. But the middle […]
guys, on my last post i talked about how i was the queen of present procrastination. I am not sure if writing about my procrastination somehow solved my problem completely BUT YOU GUYS. I did it. I really honestly truly did it. I bought ALL of Davids Christmas gifts ON TIME AND […]
December. What is my life right now…………. Thanksgiving came far too early in November which left me no time to mentally prepare a transition in to December. I’m still on November time. Or maybe it’s the fact that I experienced a hot flash the other day because I wore a light sweater and […]
Guys. HAPPY Turkey Day! I’ll be spending my day at P-masta flex’s home with David and we are suuuuper excited. I also have five days to myself with the baby-child which has added an extra pep to my step (and also bracing myself for 10 thousand tantrums, because… toddlers and tantrums are a […]
Guys. This month has been the WORST. Okay that’s being slightly melodramatic but I mean it hasn’t been the best. Well talking more physical health then mental, but then in the long wrong, don’t the two kind of walk hand in hand? Eventually whatever is going on takes a toll on your body […]
Recovery, recovery, recovery. It’s a thing and it’s working. My bellybutton no longer looks as though someone decided to take a drill to it. Okay maybe it still does a lil bit but SO much better. I’ve stopped gagging whenever I look down to take a peek. (yeah that was happening). I’ve […]
helloooo hi there. how are things? i once was an existing human on this site, but now it seems….. that i’ve stopped cold turkey. but trust me this hiatus was totally unwanted and completely unexpected. why you ask!? or maybe you don’t ask, but i’m going to share with you anyways…… my appendix […]
i’m currently in mourning over celebrating my twenty-first birthday for the ninth time. my age bracket on paper has officially changed and i’ve been having thoughts of impending doom since my d-day. i wish i could say this was an exaggeration of my current thoughts, but it’s not. however. I’ve also been watching “The Man […]