Thank the LARD the holidays are over. Even though I barely participated this year socially because I was a true scrooge mcduck, I’m so *grateful* it’s come and gone. Woo wee. January is for being selfish and I’m LIVING for everything being about me (again) 🙂 Anyone else? Or am I the only asshole out […]
January, the driest month of the year. Or in my case, the next 12 plus months. Nothing like really committing and going all out for this years new year resolutions… really trying to show everyone up over here. But lemme tell you something, it ain’t easy. Which is why I have been really getting into […]
 Love me tender and call me Elvis, i’ve done it. Posting twice in under two weeks!? you betchya. And what better way to celebrate than a comforting meal that is a WEE bit lighter on the belly…. which just means you have room for seconds. Shrimp & Easy Cheesy Cauliflower Grits. Easy breezy beautiful […]
OKAY. THE PICTURES AREN’T SEASONAL. I get it. Ya win some ya lose some. Unless you’re on a homestead or incredibly devoted to your local farmers markets, or a modern day Martha Stewart amidst pandemic  and have a perfectly timed greenhouse then…… you’re shit out of luck if you’re looking at the photos for recipe […]
Well, I will admit my recipe naming has really fallen off the wagon, as well as… well, my writing recipes. So many broken promises, and I wish I could feel more badly about it, however, I try to avoid any feeling that would cause any sort of negative thought right now because, holy ship, the […]
I would love to say I grew up eating shellfish, so that way i would have a lot more street credit when it comes to developing recipes like this one, but that would be a big fat lie. In fact, I hated it. Without ever even trying. But first off: my brother was HIGHLY allergic […]
 well well well……… look who decided to show up only several months late after a clearly false promise of posting more again. expert putter-offer over here. BUT. also. a lot of shit went down. i say shit because crap would be putting the shit lightly. and to be quite honest there is already enough […]
You guys! Hi hi hi. I missed you all. But I’ve been busy. Which is no excuse. However if you follow me on instagram you’ve been keeping up on all the new… news. For instance. A house! That I get to fix up! And paint (the worst). But there is a new studio set up […]