This recipe post is healthy with a side of caution. It’s definitely not a sacrificial eating grass kind of healthy, but more of a healthier + protein pack alternative to waffles, pancakes, muffins, breads, cookies, cupcakes, cold pizza, ice cream, french toast…. *** can we also discuss how i seriously thought (until just now) the […]
Reason # 100,000 why I absolutely hate having a website: I don’t understand how the internet works, let alone, a computer. And whenever there is even the smallest little problem with my website (if you follow me on social media, I basically was dying a slow death of mini heart attacks throughout the last 24 hour […]
Sooooo I joined weight watchers and nearly poo’ed myself when I found out that one cup of my store-bought granola was TWENTY ONE POINTS. OUT OF THIRTY. I had completely screwed myself for the rest of the day, knowing that my evening wine takes up a solid ten points and there was literally no way I was going […]
It’s the weekend of the fourth and we are expecting an unholy amount of rain. Which i am 90 percent looking forward to due to the fact that my entire family is signed up for a “freedom” race at 7AM (like what??) and the thought of running one mile makes my legs ache, so three, hungover, […]
Oh the joys of summer dieting….. said absolutely no one ever. The fact that last years shorts could easily be mistaken for a bikini bottom due to the increase in size of my tail wagon is not helping my current situation in any way, shape or form. If there was a non invasive method for stomach […]
SO I seriously have a thing for wings. I really do. Or more specifically, ranch dressing. Because that makes total sense, right? If you live in the midwest, it totally makes sense. If you live anywhere else you probably are gagging. Ranch? Is it still legal in the US? Damn right it is. FDA approved […]
Last week I had the pleasure of being part of a small group of innovative people – somehow connected to the food industry in one way or another – to get a personal tour and a little more insight of St Louis’ liquid gold in a bottle, Schlafly Beer, a St. Louis brewery. As well as […]
I am literally melting right now. It’s 100 degrees in June, IN THE MIDWEST, which is always in a constipated state when it comes to a cool breeze that those on either coast get to experience. We have zero relief. And if any wind from the Mississippi blows in your direction, you hold your breath […]