my lavender blues

July 12, 2016

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie


This recipe post is healthy with a side of caution. It’s definitely not a sacrificial eating grass kind of healthy, but more of a healthier + protein pack alternative to waffles, pancakes, muffins, breads, cookies, cupcakes, cold pizza, ice cream, french toast….


*** can we also discuss how i seriously thought (until just now) the “etc. etc. etc.” scene was from daddy warbucks in Annie? And not king mongkut from the king and i? i blame it on the bald headed uncle festers.

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie. Yes. Pie that you can eat for breakfast and NOT feel guilty about.

I developed this healthier breakfast pie to help me along with my weight watchers diet as to not make it feel like a slow death, but unfortunately that plan backfired on me because the pie tasted really good and I convinced myself that one slice was comparable to a full hour of sweating on the treadmill…..  so naturally the entire pie was gone in under 24 hours.

i guess this is a perfect time to start my new years resolution, everything in moderation.


however in the past I have found that putting portion controlled sized slices (of anything) into my freezer TOTALLY helps and this breakfast pie is great for doing just that.

now if only I would actually listen to my own logic….

ha. ha. ha.


Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Recipe Notes:

I use rainier cherries (the yellow/blush pink ones) for this recipe because they are incredibly sweet which reduces the sugar content that you’ll need for the cherry filling!

And since cherries can sometimes be a little costly, and I’m all about saving a buck or ten, I used 2 1/2 cups cherries and a cup of whatever berries I had in my fridge that were borderline starting to fuzz up. The best part about using the remaining berries that were hitting their expiration (not gonna lie, some totally did but I just turned the other cheek) is that they were all super sweet! I used a combination of blueberries – black berries – raspberries, no particular order (and feel free to use one or all three).

For the sweetener I used pure maple syrup (paleo friendly) and the best part is that a little goes a long way. It also gave this pie more of a breakfast feel.

This pie is best served cold, as the flavors are bolder and the pie actually slices (like a pie should) when it has been chilled in the fridge. If you eat it right out of the oven it WILL be like a flowing stream of lava and the pie crust will more than likely fall apart.

** I also used cornstarch for my thickening agent, but if you’re on a restricted diet or have an allergy I heard tapioca flour or arrowroot are great replacements.

5.0 from 3 reviews
Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie
Pie Crust:
  • 3 cups walnuts
  • 1 ripe banana, mashed
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
Cherry Berry Filling
  • 2½ cups rainier cherries, pitted and sliced in half
  • 1 cup assorted berries
  • ¼ cup water
  • ½ lemon, squeezed (1 tbsp lemon juice)
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 1-2 tbsp cornstarch
  1. First preheat your oven to 350.
  2. Next in a food processor add your walnuts, cinnamon, salt and baking powder and pulse until walnuts are grounded, but not walnutbutter consistency (so very fine crumbs)
  3. Remove crumbs into a small bowl and add your banana, mixing with your hands until well blended.
  4. In a lightly greased pie pan add your walnut dough and push down with fingers until dough is spread evenly over the bottom and side of pan.
  5. Place crust in oven for 15 minutes and then remove.
  6. While the crust is baking in the oven, rinse out your food processor and then add your assorted berries & ¼ cup of water. Process berries until smooth.
  7. Place a medium sized sauce pan over medium heat and add your processed berries. Bring to a boil and then lower to a simmer and then add your lemon juice, maple syrup and almond extract and cherries.
  8. Let cherries simmer for about 5 minutes until they begin to soften and then slowly sift in your cornstarch (1 tbsp at a time) while continuously stirring filling to avoid any clumping.
  9. Do this until desired thickness is reached (again as the filling cools it will thicken up even more).
  10. Remove filling from heat until pie crust has finished its first round of baking and pour into crust (it is not necessary to bring filling to room temperature).
  11. Once filling is poured into pie, place pie back into oven (still at 350 degrees) for another 12-15 minutes, or until crust begins to deepen in color (but remove before it burns).
  12. Let pie cool down to room temperature and then place in fridge for at least an hour before consumption.
  13. Serve either alone or over a little greek yogurt for breakfast!

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie

Healthy Cherry Berry Breakfast Pie


  1. This is LITERALLY the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Aside from pie being the best thing in the world, now I have an excuse to eat it ‘healthily’??!?!?! UGH. Yes. And cherries are my favorite. I’m in love. I can’t wait to make this. Also, your pictures are beautiful. The lighting is absolutely gorgeous.

    Everything. Is. On. Point.

    • Julia says:

      oh my gosh you are so kind! thank you so much!!!! Please let me know if you do end up making this and your thoughts 🙂 🙂 🙂 you’re amazing!!!!! <333333

  2. This looks lovely, and pie for breakfast will always be right up my alley. So envious of your summer cherries though! I love how you called it ‘healthy with a side of caution’ too hahaha! 🙂

    • Julia says:

      Ah cherry season is the best, and I’ll be feeling the same way during our dreary winter about you and your fresh produce =/ caution is totally necessary (for me) when I make anything healthy that tastes like dessert =D=D Thanks for the comment!

  3. Pie for breakfast? Sign me up! This pie is just beautiful! I love that the crust is made healthier with banana!

    • Julia says:

      Thanks Bethany!! I wanted to try and make it as guiltless as possible without sacrificing the flavor! Hope you enjoy 🙂

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