September 22, 2015

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

I once had a food blog prior to this one. It actually was being read. And commented on. And featured on some others websites. And occasional “desserts you should try” articles. No awards, it was only “live” for six months. I started the blog as a distraction for the troubles I was facing in my marriage. I thought if i had something else to focus on, like really focus on, it would make all the troubles dissipate. And it did…. at first. I just needed some sort of outlet. And then it didn’t. And so here I am, once again, things are a little bit different now. But they are just things. I am still here, God has still given me a purpose in my life, just trying to figure out what that purpose might be.

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits


But for now my purpose is to show ya’ll some southern buttermilk drop biscuits. I would be lying if I even attempted to take credit for this recipe <insert sad and defeated face here>. I really tried to develop this recipe on my own and failed a thousand times over. Nothing was doing it for me. Something was always a little off and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. So I cheated and turned to my most favorite cookbook, Cooks Illustrated, and referenced their buttermilk drop biscuits which you can find here (you can subscribe to their website if you want more recipes by them… No they aren’t paying me, they don’t even know my blog exists, I just really really like their recipes). Some of my measurements are a little bit different however the main idea was from them. So I gotta reference.

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

These drop biscuits are super easy, no biscuit cutter or rolling pin needed (always a bonus) and are great to freeze/reheat.They pair incredibly well with any soup/stew/chili or make a great on the go snack.

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Southern Buttermilk Drop Biscuits
Nutrition Information
  • Serves: 12
  • Serving size: 12
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Super fluffy buttermilk drop biscuits adapted from Cooks Illustrated. Perfect for soups, chilis and stews for the fall and winter.
  • 2¾ cups all purpose flour
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp unsalted butter chilled and cut into ¼ inch cubes
  • 2 tbsp butter melted (salted or unsalted)
  • 1½ cup buttermilk (you may use whole milk if you must)
  1. Preheat oven to 500 degrees and set rack to middle position.
  2. In a large baking dish or sheet add ¾ cup of flour and set aside for later use. Grease a nine inch round cake pan (I ended up using two smaller cake pans, still turned out fine)
  3. In a food processor add 2 cups flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt and pulse until combined. Next add your chilled butter pieces on top and pulse again until a coarse crumbly mixture forms. Transfer mixture to a medium sized bowl.
  4. Add your buttermilk (or whole milk) to dry ingredients and stir until just mixed leaving dough still very wet and clumpy.
  5. Using a greased spoon (ice cream scooper works great!) scoop about a ¼ cup of dough onto the floured baking sheet that you set aside in the beginning. You'll do this about 12 times which will leave you with 12 mounds of dough on top of the flour.
  6. Next making sure to flour your hands VERY WELL take each mound of dough and coat with the flour using hands and forming into a ball shape, then place on cake pan (start forming a circle with the balls of dough working from the outside in on cake pan)
  7. Once all rounds of dough are on cake plan, lightly brush the tops of them with melted butter.
  8. Transfer pan to oven and bake for 5 minutes, then turn down temperature to 450 degrees and bake an additional 13-15 minutes or until biscuits are a deep golden brown color.
  9. Remove from oven, let cool for a couple of minutes, and then turn over to remove from pan, then back over and pull apart biscuits to serve.
  10. These are best served warm 🙂


  1. Julia says:

    Thanks Jackie so much for a) commenting b) for sharing your story. Just read the post about your divorce and I could relate to every single thing that you mentioned, and the feelings that you felt during the divorce and after. I am still working on trying to figure out what my journey might be however I think for the first time, since marriage/divorce I am finally finding myself again. It is so encouraging to see where you were and where you are now (I have been a huge follower online of The Beeroness). You’re a huge inspiration. Thank you.

  2. This is exactly what I did. My first blog is still live, but I can’t bring myself to update it since my divorce. But I started it 100% to have something to consume my thoughts so that I didn’t focus on my marriage that had been failing for years. I wrote about it here:
    Hope you’re well, and hope that you have found some solid footing.

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