my lavender blues


I hesitated adding the “No Cream” bit to the header above. I didn’t want to scare anyone. Sometimes, at least in my opinion, right away when something says “healthy” or “no cream” I automatically set the recipe up for failure. I’m like, there is no way this is going to taste good if a) it’s […]

Healthy Roasted Asparagus Soup (No Cream)


  I had the most relaxing weekend of mah life. Literally. I actually did nothing. Well nothing as in, I didn’t have to be anywhere at any certain time. I also didn’t come into contact with anyone I knew. Which is quite surprising since the area I live in in St. Louis is like my family compound. […]

Twice Baked Sweet Potato Breakfast Scramble


Meatballs can be moist AND healthy!? Well. Sorta. These aren’t like….. super duper going to lose a bazillion pounds healthy. But they are, you know, on the healthier side……  They are also mini so your eyes will make you feel like you’re eating a ton more as oppose to one and feeling lonely.  I’m about […]

Mini Healthier Italian Meatball Skewers (Kebobs)


I literally have had some MAJOR recipe fails followed (thank God) by some MAJOR wins! I wanted to jump off of a bridge yesterday after spending seven hours in the kitchen and accomplishing nothing but pure $#!T. Just a giant mess to clean up and  several large glugs of wine.  Thankfully by this morning my […]

The Skinny Parmesan Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Tomato


In the mean time I spend 99 percent of my evenings at home with a home cooked meal. Girls gotta save. Also my son is currently in a “throwing food” stage. I rather avoid hitting the nice lady sitting next to me. And I obviously love to eat at home, or why the hell else would […]

Penne with Leftover Beef & Arugula


The meat that keeps on giving. Seriously. I can make a thousand (okay maybe I’m exaggerating slightly) meals with this juicy hunk of protein. It really is worth every single penny spent. I happened to purchase mine from a local butcher and was kind of choking when he told me the price, however, the flavor […]

Garlic & Italian Herb Sirloin Beef Roast


I hope your weekend was as smashing as mine.  haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ha. Not funny. However I did get fairly smashed. Almost as smashed as the potatoes you see pictured. However post smashing was filled with cream filled doughnuts, hot dogs and doritos and apparently some other crumb I couldn’t identify when I woke up this morning.  I complain […]

Rosemary Parmesan Smashed Potatoes


  Tis the season for tight ends, great beer & kick ass weekend munchies. I’ve always been a huge fan of football season. I also was raised by a die-hard football fan – once college football assistant coach – father, receiving a new college tee every single weekend as well as a Super Bowl sweatshirt […]

Game Day Apple Glazed Baked Chicken Wings