Apparently Easter is right around the corner, and apparently I am hosting. And apparently I knew all about this and so the fact that I am going to have to cram spring cleaning into such a short window (I refuse to clean during the weekdays, there isn’t enough time to waste after work) means i […]
helloooo hi there. how are things? i once was an existing human on this site, but now it seems….. that i’ve stopped cold turkey. but trust me this hiatus was totally unwanted and completely unexpected. why you ask!? or maybe you don’t ask, but i’m going to share with you anyways…… my appendix […]
So you know how on my last post I said I hated bug bites umm…. julia…. name a person who loves them? Yes we all share the same hatred, but I can guarantee you mine is stronger. the damn bite gave me cellulitis. what the ell man. I’m talking a red tender […]
Butter my buns and call me a biscuit, What in the world did I just agree to? The exact thoughts (except insert profanity where needed) that ran through my head when I responded “yes” to a dinner proposal from Eckerts Farm asking if I would be willing to put together a pop up meal […]
I sunbathed today. Yes. It was glorious. And it was only an hour, because it was during work lunch and because I didn’t want to turn into a total raisin. Homegirl is going to be 30 this year. Gotta start ironing out the wrinks before my pruning becomes permanent. Any who. I’m trying to be less lame […]
I can’t tell if the title of this post is drool-worthy or incredibly unappetizing. But I can tell you that the actual outcome is prettaaaay…… bomb 😉 Also – lets address the elephant in the room here. it’s been A WEEK since I last posted anything on the blog. Like. what!? I wish I had some […]
SO basically I took a hiatus from frequent recipe posting last week due to extreme stress and a trip to the big apple to visit my high school girlfriends who are now all on their way to getting hitched. God rest their souls. No, totally kidding. I’m incredibly happy for them and they all deserve […]
The meat that keeps on giving. Seriously. I can make a thousand (okay maybe I’m exaggerating slightly) meals with this juicy hunk of protein. It really is worth every single penny spent. I happened to purchase mine from a local butcher and was kind of choking when he told me the price, however, the flavor […]