my lavender blues


i’m currently in mourning over celebrating my twenty-first birthday for the ninth time. my age bracket on paper has officially changed and i’ve been having thoughts of impending doom since my d-day. i wish i could say this was an exaggeration of my current thoughts, but it’s not. however. I’ve also been watching “The Man […]

Savory Butternut Squash, Sage & Tahini Gluten Free Bread


I sunbathed today. Yes. It was glorious. And it was only an hour, because it was during work lunch and because I didn’t want to turn into a total raisin. Homegirl is going to be 30 this year. Gotta start ironing out the wrinks before my pruning becomes permanent. Any who. I’m trying to be less lame […]

Zoodles with Clams in a Spicy Coconut Milk & Black Garlic Sauce


If you get into a slap fight with a wasp, chances are you’ll probably lose. Common knowledge, right? Apparently a little too common for my pea sized cranium. He was an angry elf. This clip basically sums up my encounter with any flying stinging insect (except I’d be Buddy, and the stinging prey would be Miles. AAAAAnd […]

Gooey Parmesan Garlic Knots


This winter weather is really starting to piss me off. Honestly? I find it comparable to sharting.  But seriously. I know that is just such a horrifying term but this weather is such a teaser. It’s like it wants to snow, but then it doesn’t quite really want to, so instead it just gives you a […]

Kale, Kumatos & Spaghetti Squash Bake