Another long title brought to you by yours truly, an english professionals nightmare, myself. anywhos. it’s been a little while, but that is because i’ve been a little busy. which is no excuse. i also feel like i sound like a broken record these days as i am pretty sure 90 percent of my last […]
So. Mom was in town for the last two weeks, and you know what they say… Rose (rose-ay) All day. Nothing better than your skin feeling a bit like grape jerky after overdoing it in the alcohol + crappy food department. my face is basically a wrinkly raisin. total malepellent (male repellent). *yay* just kidding, i […]
This last weekend teaser of 80 degree springtime weather? Holy nuts and bolts. We’re screwed. Or if anyone else’s upper lip is perspiring just thinking about this past weekend then you are not alone. Welcome to the beginning of six months worth of pure cheese sweats. It’s only downhill from here. Unless someone comes up with scented air conditioned […]
Is it just me…. or does this Dumb & Dumber scene also pop into your head any time anyone mentions “sea bass”: And that is maybe my 29801023981 D & D reference on this blog. Time to watch some new films. ….So you’re saying there’s a chance? (Or perhaps not). Any who. It’s mid […]
Holy Death Bed. As per my usual flu scandals, I am planning out my funeral. I swear every time I get sick (or in this case invaded by a plague) I just count my blessings, ask for forgiveness where need be (um, Life) and pray that the good Lord will just take me out of […]
Help. Me. What the flying pig is with my allergies right now. Seriously. The minute I hopped off the plane in St. Louis it felt like as if my nose was a lamp post filled with moths. Slight exaggeration (but not really). Think about it. That would literally slay the feather in a tickling nose contest. […]
Pinch me, please. Okay, that’s enough cyber pinching. But yes, I still am dreaming about this event I was invited to be apart of by Alive Magazine for a dinner on the orchard at Eckerts Farm in Illinois and I still can’t get over the beauty, mood and the food from that evening. Granted I spent the […]
“That’s one small step for (wo)man, and one giant leap for mankind” My feelings exactly after successfully steaming my first lobster on my own and not having a total water works fiesta and drowning myself in complete remorse. I’m definitely one of those “ignorance is bliss” type of people when it comes to my food […]