my lavender blues


So I have a thang for basically everything Regina Spektor. Why am I telling you this? Because. Beecaaauseeee. Her songs make me cry, and homegirl LOVES a good cry. If you’re a man and reading this you probably WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. Unless you’re a real man. Then you pickin’ up what I’m throwin’ down. But […]

Pumpkin Puree & Crispy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds From Scratch


There should be a world record for sprouting a good 50 gray hairs and 2 forehead wrinkles in under 48 hours. And if there isn’t a category for rapid aging in the Guiness Book then there should be, and I officially declare myself as the winner for this unfortunate occurrence.  (for those of you who follow […]

Spicy Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes & Garlic Croutons


I would like to start off by saying who ever felt like there should be zero disclaimer on homemade masks clearly never made a homemade mask before. And if there are disclaimers I am just an idiot who chose not to read them. Can we discuss ground ginger + ground tumeric literally is a face […]

Chicken Sausage + Broccoli Rabe with Fauxghetti Noodles


Being that I live in St. Louis I basically had zero reminder that football season has arrived ! (also before I begin to even speak another sentence, lets share a mc-adoodle-doo moment of the noisiest silence EVER for the Giants defeat over the Girlboys…. wahooooo) Moving on. Football season, which basically means it is indeed time to whip […]

Poached Meatball Parm Casserole


Ahhhhh it’s September (way to point out the obvious Julia) and I’m 100 percent pushing summer out the door like it ain’t no thang. Goodbye sweat stains in strange places, you have been anything but kind to me, and I blame you for my nonexistent dating life (kidding, I blame a ton of other stuff […]

Fresh Corn & Corn Meal Polenta with Sautéed Tomatoes & Burrata


  Soo this post is definitely more about the pixels, so pardon for my lack of words. But honestly, it’s a Friday night and I am actually really super busy with my incredibly jam-packed social life. And by jam-packed I mean a party on my couch. Me and my whisk-ay (since I am on a […]

Fish Stock ++ Lobster Paella


  I have a thing for anything Asian flavored, more specifically Japanese. I mean who doesn’t love a plate of MSG + Happiness that leaves you with hulk like sweats and hot flashes? Kidding (but not totally kidding). Which is why I prefer to make most of my Japanese dishes at home, where I know exactly how much soy […]

Grilled Shishito Peppers and Chicken Thighs


I first would like to point out how i’m basically an oxymoron writing this post. Currently stuffing my face with cheddar, honey mustard & bacon toast on a buttery brioche bun (if you follow me on snapchat you will have gotten a little sneaky peak of what this goodness actually looked like) while attempting to […]

Low Carb Protein Waffles