As I was binge watching some stand up with my coffee, as I do most mornings to start the day off right, Louis CK really pulled on a couple of my heart strings. (yes I realize that this isn’t always the norm, most start with a giant dose of depressing reality of current events, whereas I prefer a […]
And just like that 2016: It’s funny how we all (well the majority) of us anxiously wait for this day to come to finally start making healthier choices. Or maybe more messed up. But whatever does the trick I guess, amiright? I definitely fall victim to that as I literally made sure to eat like […]
Whew, that Kris Kringle sure knows how to dine and dash. Hot damn did this Christmas/Holiday season go by super fast (don’t worry I am fully aware that New Years Eve has still yet to pass, but since it usually involves shit hitting the fan I rather click ignore and pretend like it is just another […]
Does anyone else feel that Christmas is very un-christmassy this year because it falls on the weekend? For holiday purposes, it just doesn’t feel as special falling on a Sunday. It also has really messed up my weekend before Holiday shopping, as I usually reserve the Saturday & Sunday before Christmas to get this done. […]
Current happenings in my life, myself on dinner dates. Me: Orders food, politely picks at food, being sure to chew like 100 times per bite. The moment date leaves for the bathroom: The moment date returns far too quickly from bathroom trip, clearly forgetting to wash hands: The struggle is real. Which is why dinner dates […]
Holy Heck it’s been a little while. And I HATE that. But you know what I hate more? My Christmas tree that literally was smacked with a pry-mantis plague the two days that I was out of town for work andddddddddd I basically pooped my pants upon discovery. Like. Are you kidding me…………….. Hashtag: #notblessed […]
I’m on what feels like my tenth cup of coffee right now, and by tenth I mean second, and am pretty sure someone decided to slip a little speed into the ol’ jo this morning. Not exactly sure how to exert all of this new and completely unwelcome burst of adrenaline but thinking I should probably […]
Ahhhhh it’s September (way to point out the obvious Julia) and I’m 100 percent pushing summer out the door like it ain’t no thang. Goodbye sweat stains in strange places, you have been anything but kind to me, and I blame you for my nonexistent dating life (kidding, I blame a ton of other stuff […]