guys, on my last post i talked about how i was the queen of present procrastination. I am not sure if writing about my procrastination somehow solved my problem completely BUT YOU GUYS. I did it. I really honestly truly did it. I bought ALL of Davids Christmas gifts ON TIME AND […]
Guys. This month has been the WORST. Okay that’s being slightly melodramatic but I mean it hasn’t been the best. Well talking more physical health then mental, but then in the long wrong, don’t the two kind of walk hand in hand? Eventually whatever is going on takes a toll on your body […]
i’m currently in mourning over celebrating my twenty-first birthday for the ninth time. my age bracket on paper has officially changed and i’ve been having thoughts of impending doom since my d-day. i wish i could say this was an exaggeration of my current thoughts, but it’s not. however. I’ve also been watching “The Man […]
Sooooo I joined weight watchers and nearly poo’ed myself when I found out that one cup of my store-bought granola was TWENTY ONE POINTS. OUT OF THIRTY. I had completely screwed myself for the rest of the day, knowing that my evening wine takes up a solid ten points and there was literally no way I was going […]
Go home Jack Frost, nobody likes you. At least nobody normal likes you. The only thing you did for me was cause a forced night to stay in and drink copious amounts of wine and eat far too many slices of ‘za. And then instead of going to the gym the next day like I SHOULD […]
Happy Monday (said no one ever). Especially a Monday that has followed a weekend filled with belligerence and over indulgence of Halloween candy. It left me with a headache, a belly ache and mouth sores. Way to go America! It also left me feeling incredibly lazy and not wanting to make any home cooked meal. […]
My weekend wasn’t anything exciting. I ended up sitting my two-year-old-going-on-fifteen-year-old sassy niece along with my currently stage-five-clinger son so I basically wanted to pop my head off. And by that I mean I really wanted a glass of wine at all times. Too bad I’m a cheap drunk, one drink and I’m in […]
Easy like Sunday morning. That is todays goal, as last night was a ROUGH night. My son overloaded on every berry he could get his hands on. Between the neighbors and niece he was able to manipulate everyone into giving him more, and more, and apparently far more than his little body could […]