Holy Death Bed. As per my usual flu scandals, I am planning out my funeral. I swear every time I get sick (or in this case invaded by a plague) I just count my blessings, ask for forgiveness where need be (um, Life) and pray that the good Lord will just take me out of […]
As I was binge watching some stand up with my coffee, as I do most mornings to start the day off right, Louis CK really pulled on a couple of my heart strings. (yes I realize that this isn’t always the norm, most start with a giant dose of depressing reality of current events, whereas I prefer a […]
I. hate. technology. and I’m 100 percent positive it hates me. Sometimes I can’t wrap my head around how I even managed to start this blog, and, to this day, and every day that it has been alive, I am one step closer to a having a heart attack. No joke. Computers give me hemorrhoids. […]
I can’t tell if the title of this post is drool-worthy or incredibly unappetizing. But I can tell you that the actual outcome is prettaaaay…… bomb 😉 Also – lets address the elephant in the room here. it’s been A WEEK since I last posted anything on the blog. Like. what!? I wish I had some […]
Atomic Trio Hot Wings? Seriously Julia? Way to be original. However “burn ya bum for dayz” wings definitely would not have been K-rated. But let me tell you, these wings are anything but PG. Don’t start wiping the sweat off your upper lip just yet though. These wings have a sophisticated spice. A heat […]
I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to traditional “Cajun” cuisine. You would think it would be more of a love/love due to the very fact that I go weak at the knees for some good heat and well seasoned food. But there’s something, I just can’t put my finger on […]
Meatballs can be moist AND healthy!? Well. Sorta. These aren’t like….. super duper going to lose a bazillion pounds healthy. But they are, you know, on the healthier side…… They are also mini so your eyes will make you feel like you’re eating a ton more as oppose to one and feeling lonely. I’m about […]