I couldn’t find more of a perfect time to join the “February Drop-Off” than the present moment. With yesterdays unfortunate game-day winnings and the dreaded hallmark holiday approaching there is no better time than to stuff ones face with delicious calories of sweet sweet heavenly joy. I mean, after all, isn’t that basically why the month […]
Welp, I guess I’ll be focusing on the commercials + food this years Super Bowl. But then, who am I kidding. Have I ever focused on anything else? I think not. Unless my Giants were playing. Then I would maybe pay 1 percent more attention than what I already do. discount double check The literal only […]
So this Thanksgiving I’ve been trying to stick to the basics. Giving cosmetic tweaks to those dishes that are in need of a little botox and the occasional filler. I have zero problem with change, but I’ve just been through so much that sometimes familiarity in my life is best. But this is also partially due to my […]
There should be a world record for sprouting a good 50 gray hairs and 2 forehead wrinkles in under 48 hours. And if there isn’t a category for rapid aging in the Guiness Book then there should be, and I officially declare myself as the winner for this unfortunate occurrence. (for those of you who follow […]
This recipe post is healthy with a side of caution. It’s definitely not a sacrificial eating grass kind of healthy, but more of a healthier + protein pack alternative to waffles, pancakes, muffins, breads, cookies, cupcakes, cold pizza, ice cream, french toast…. *** can we also discuss how i seriously thought (until just now) the […]
When you get sick for the umpteenth time in less than a month, let alone early summer, you realize that maybe your life has taken a turn for the worse and you should probably just casually walk in front of the first moving vehicle that is headed in your direction because the thought of being bedridden, […]
Much similar to the last time I was sick (read here) my inner hypochondriac decided to show face this weekend when body chills followed by aches and pains (mostly stomach pains because I tried convincing myself I was not hungry) decided to invade my personal space and leave me bedridden while I anxiously awaited for […]
Currently experiencing Monday Morning anxiety #thestruggleisreal. Or more like, #iputwaytoomuchsugarinmycoffeeandicantstopshaking Now picturing how in seven years there is a very strong chance my life synopsis will be comparable to Matt Foley’s, however praying that the van at the very least is an airstream. Thank you Mondays, for bringing out my inner negativity and making me look […]