Another long title brought to you by yours truly, an english professionals nightmare, myself. anywhos. it’s been a little while, but that is because i’ve been a little busy. which is no excuse. i also feel like i sound like a broken record these days as i am pretty sure 90 percent of my last […]
Annnnnnddddd now breathe. Can my titles continue to be any longer? Oh why, yes, yes they can. Challenge: accepted. Sidenote: anyone else here love to create challenges or goals after the task of said challenge/goal has already been completed? Nothing like good ol’ self trickery just to feel semi on top of ones crap. Sometimes I’ll go […]
Great, my first official sunburn and EVEN THAT GIVES ME ACNE. you guys. what da ell is wrong wif me. isn’t vitamin D supposed to be a good thing!? take me back to winter and my blinding grandpa legs. someone. anyone. please. just kidding. i’m currently rockin’ a thick pair of gramps walkers due to the […]
So. Mom was in town for the last two weeks, and you know what they say… Rose (rose-ay) All day. Nothing better than your skin feeling a bit like grape jerky after overdoing it in the alcohol + crappy food department. my face is basically a wrinkly raisin. total malepellent (male repellent). *yay* just kidding, i […]
When someone asks me to go on an impromptu swimsuit shopping trip with them: Don’t ever ask me that. Seriously. Don’t. Or if you plan on it at least ask me a week in advanced so a) I can work on eating air. b) I can prepare to shave my legs because, well, winter = pants […]
Doughnt even get me started on this poo snowfall one refers to as a flurry this past weekend (and todays early AM). Just doughnt. But do let me tell you that even the tiniest negative thought that I have ends in me devouring all the contents in ones pantry (except replace below sprinkles with cheese and […]
So. Valentines Day….. Thoughts? Well you know my feelings so there’s that. I’ll be potato launching myself off the nearest barn ASAP. Or maybe you will be if someone decides to bestow you a giant heart shaped box filled with land mines. Seriously tho – I feel like whoever created the mysterious chocolate smorgasbord with […]
Holy Death Bed. As per my usual flu scandals, I am planning out my funeral. I swear every time I get sick (or in this case invaded by a plague) I just count my blessings, ask for forgiveness where need be (um, Life) and pray that the good Lord will just take me out of […]