OKAY. THE PICTURES AREN’T SEASONAL. I get it. Ya win some ya lose some. Unless you’re on a homestead or incredibly devoted to your local farmers markets, or a modern day Martha Stewart amidst pandemic and have a perfectly timed greenhouse then…… you’re shit out of luck if you’re looking at the photos for recipe […]
Well, I will admit my recipe naming has really fallen off the wagon, as well as… well, my writing recipes. So many broken promises, and I wish I could feel more badly about it, however, I try to avoid any feeling that would cause any sort of negative thought right now because, holy ship, the […]
I would love to say I grew up eating shellfish, so that way i would have a lot more street credit when it comes to developing recipes like this one, but that would be a big fat lie. In fact, I hated it. Without ever even trying. But first off: my brother was HIGHLY allergic […]
You guys! Hi hi hi. I missed you all. But I’ve been busy. Which is no excuse. However if you follow me on instagram you’ve been keeping up on all the new… news. For instance. A house! That I get to fix up! And paint (the worst). But there is a new studio set up […]
guys, on my last post i talked about how i was the queen of present procrastination. I am not sure if writing about my procrastination somehow solved my problem completely BUT YOU GUYS. I did it. I really honestly truly did it. I bought ALL of Davids Christmas gifts ON TIME AND […]
i’m currently in mourning over celebrating my twenty-first birthday for the ninth time. my age bracket on paper has officially changed and i’ve been having thoughts of impending doom since my d-day. i wish i could say this was an exaggeration of my current thoughts, but it’s not. however. I’ve also been watching “The Man […]
So you know how on my last post I said I hated bug bites umm…. julia…. name a person who loves them? Yes we all share the same hatred, but I can guarantee you mine is stronger. the damn bite gave me cellulitis. what the ell man. I’m talking a red tender […]
Approaching my thirties and i keep having to tell myself that age ain’t nothin’ but a number. OR so they say….. But I’m pretty sure anyone under the ripe age of 24 says that, when they have yet to experience a hangover that lingers on for days, forehead wrinkles, and a spare tire that is […]