I did it, I am doing it you guys. I’m posting, again. I don’t even know if I would consider my last recipe a post, because it just involved pouring whiskey into a cup of your choosing, and to fill it to the rim. And I guess, I would hardly call this one a post […]
Another long title brought to you by yours truly, an english professionals nightmare, myself. anywhos. it’s been a little while, but that is because i’ve been a little busy. which is no excuse. i also feel like i sound like a broken record these days as i am pretty sure 90 percent of my last […]
As I was binge watching some stand up with my coffee, as I do most mornings to start the day off right, Louis CK really pulled on a couple of my heart strings. (yes I realize that this isn’t always the norm, most start with a giant dose of depressing reality of current events, whereas I prefer a […]
When you get sick for the umpteenth time in less than a month, let alone early summer, you realize that maybe your life has taken a turn for the worse and you should probably just casually walk in front of the first moving vehicle that is headed in your direction because the thought of being bedridden, […]
I was looking pretty rough yesterday after a long weekend of obviously drinking a ton of water and green juice, that I decided to take my unfortunately pale body with day old mascara for a nice jog through the park. And being the Jersey girl that I am, there is nothing that a little GTL can’t fix. Everything […]
I literally have had some MAJOR recipe fails followed (thank God) by some MAJOR wins! I wanted to jump off of a bridge yesterday after spending seven hours in the kitchen and accomplishing nothing but pure $#!T. Just a giant mess to clean up and several large glugs of wine. Thankfully by this morning my […]
I hope your weekend was as smashing as mine. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ha. Not funny. However I did get fairly smashed. Almost as smashed as the potatoes you see pictured. However post smashing was filled with cream filled doughnuts, hot dogs and doritos and apparently some other crumb I couldn’t identify when I woke up this morning. I complain […]