Talk about over doing it during the holidays. Seriously. Currently living with major regrets this morning after a weekend of gluttony. Apparently nothing has changed, and more than likely never will. So this is why I am going on an air diet. After my coffee. Okay maybe after lunch. And dinner. And wine. because my […]
Today while at the gym I managed to belly flop the floor in a wild and crazy attempt to do a burpee. Like. Are you kidding me? It was almost expected as 99 percent of new things that I attempt – especially when it comes to anything athletic – always end up backfiring. But […]
Since this is a staple recipe I’m going to skip the normal jargon and dive head first into the recipe notes followed by the recipe. But if you’re interested in learning a little bit more about who I actually am (if this is your first time here, how dare you) then please check out my […]
I swore to myself I would never paint another kitchen again. Ever. Like never ever ever again. Never. Forever never. I’m painting another kitchen. And in return, I’m eating my emotions. Y u p However, I like to make my calories count with good food. I have an obsession for seasonal (well mostly in […]
The fact that Scandal is about to come to an end is really cramping my style, along with my mood. Last time this happened I avoided watching the last episode for three months because I couldn’t stand the thought of it being over. What is wrong with me? Probably a lot. The only thing that […]