December. What is my life right now…………. Thanksgiving came far too early in November which left me no time to mentally prepare a transition in to December. I’m still on November time. Or maybe it’s the fact that I experienced a hot flash the other day because I wore a light sweater and […]
i’m currently in mourning over celebrating my twenty-first birthday for the ninth time. my age bracket on paper has officially changed and i’ve been having thoughts of impending doom since my d-day. i wish i could say this was an exaggeration of my current thoughts, but it’s not. however. I’ve also been watching “The Man […]
the simple joys of parenting and potty training yes my three year old boy is still in diapers and literally it’s not because he doesn’t know how to use the potty. he does. he’s incredibly capable. i’ve seen him do it. and whenever he is around kids his own age he literally rolls his […]
Current happenings in my life, myself on dinner dates. Me: Orders food, politely picks at food, being sure to chew like 100 times per bite. The moment date leaves for the bathroom: The moment date returns far too quickly from bathroom trip, clearly forgetting to wash hands: The struggle is real. Which is why dinner dates […]
Monday Feels: “Lay off me I’m starving. (Diet starts Monday).” But does it really? No. No definitely not. And if it does, the wise decisions start to go downhill shortly after my first cup of coffee, because well, it’s Monday. And this particular Monday has followed an emotional week, so it’s really in for a good […]
Sooooo I finally figured out how to use Instagram Stories *insert enthusiastic yay here* anddddd kinda obsessed, and kinda not. its super distracting it’s really super distracting i don’t get anything done because its incredibly distracting did i mention it is distracting? Also it makes me not having a life more publicly known and definitely […]
Hold the phone. 70 degrees in February!? Say WHA. Got ranch hot sauce in my bag, swag…. just like beyonce, this weather is bae <3 So the obvious recipe choice for not cloudy with a chance of zero meatballs is clearly seafood. And of course a carb, since it is Friday and you all know […]
I feel like the title is mouthful enough that I am going to spare you on a story / rant that would probably (more than likely) be about my soft spots, cold weather (ummm December is supposed to be cold? Like we live in the midwest… what?…..), and my cobweb of a love life […]