it’s all croupdaville up in this hizzy. and i’m 99 percent positive i’m about to be reinfected with it again because that back of throat pain that i tried to convince myself was from swallowing a spider (yes, this is how badly i do not want to get sick) hasn’t gone away and i feel […]
Guys. HAPPY Turkey Day! I’ll be spending my day at P-masta flex’s home with David and we are suuuuper excited. I also have five days to myself with the baby-child which has added an extra pep to my step (and also bracing myself for 10 thousand tantrums, because… toddlers and tantrums are a […]
Recovery, recovery, recovery. It’s a thing and it’s working. My bellybutton no longer looks as though someone decided to take a drill to it. Okay maybe it still does a lil bit but SO much better. I’ve stopped gagging whenever I look down to take a peek. (yeah that was happening). I’ve […]
WHOA. i wore a dress yesterday and was sweating like a pig. also it’s october. so that’s wonderful. but you know what the worst part is!? MOSQUITOES. they are out to kill me. i swear. they have all plotted my slow death by attacking my feet every evening. (( note: i […]
Oh hey fall, it’s about time you decided to show up. Two days ago it was 90 degrees and I thought you took a plunge off a bridge and were never coming back. but you’re here, you lil jokester. and now i can finally post recipes for cooler weather without any stay awhile. i’m […]
the simple joys of parenting and potty training yes my three year old boy is still in diapers and literally it’s not because he doesn’t know how to use the potty. he does. he’s incredibly capable. i’ve seen him do it. and whenever he is around kids his own age he literally rolls his […]
Approaching my thirties and i keep having to tell myself that age ain’t nothin’ but a number. OR so they say….. But I’m pretty sure anyone under the ripe age of 24 says that, when they have yet to experience a hangover that lingers on for days, forehead wrinkles, and a spare tire that is […]
guys. allergies. what in the hell shmell. or i might just be getting sick, for the ten thousandth time this year. WHICH. means i’m basically going to be pushing daisies over the weekend so that’s something to look forward to. *yay* thankfully my son is a skilled balance bicyclist soo i’ll be sending him off like […]