Guyyyyyyys I’m freaking out because I am going to see Chris Stapleton tonight and I literally can’t stop eating my feelings. apparently I eat all of my emotions, every single one. And I especially make sure I have a ton of emotions flowing when I make things like, well, this puff pastry pizza. Chris, if […]
Ahhhhh it’s September (way to point out the obvious Julia) and I’m 100 percent pushing summer out the door like it ain’t no thang. Goodbye sweat stains in strange places, you have been anything but kind to me, and I blame you for my nonexistent dating life (kidding, I blame a ton of other stuff […]
Sooooo I finally figured out how to use Instagram Stories *insert enthusiastic yay here* anddddd kinda obsessed, and kinda not. its super distracting it’s really super distracting i don’t get anything done because its incredibly distracting did i mention it is distracting? Also it makes me not having a life more publicly known and definitely […]
I am currently sitting on 28,567 e-mails in my inbox. I’m either absurdly popular or have a problem with signing up for crappy subscriptions that I once planned on opening and literally have never even touched. Unfortunately it is the latter and am wanting to gouge my eyes out every time I look at my […]
DOES ANYONE ELSE HERE HAVE AN OBSESSION with Halo Ice Cream? It is seriously ruining all of my kitchen time where I should be busy developing recipes, but instead I find myself grabbing one of my ten pints of “Birthday Cake” (and that is definitely an underestimate) and calling it a day (or a meal). I’m just […]
Reason # 100,000 why I absolutely hate having a website: I don’t understand how the internet works, let alone, a computer. And whenever there is even the smallest little problem with my website (if you follow me on social media, I basically was dying a slow death of mini heart attacks throughout the last 24 hour […]
If you get into a slap fight with a wasp, chances are you’ll probably lose. Common knowledge, right? Apparently a little too common for my pea sized cranium. He was an angry elf. This clip basically sums up my encounter with any flying stinging insect (except I’d be Buddy, and the stinging prey would be Miles. AAAAAnd […]
Currently experiencing Monday Morning anxiety #thestruggleisreal. Or more like, #iputwaytoomuchsugarinmycoffeeandicantstopshaking Now picturing how in seven years there is a very strong chance my life synopsis will be comparable to Matt Foley’s, however praying that the van at the very least is an airstream. Thank you Mondays, for bringing out my inner negativity and making me look […]