Holy Death Bed. As per my usual flu scandals, I am planning out my funeral. I swear every time I get sick (or in this case invaded by a plague) I just count my blessings, ask for forgiveness where need be (um, Life) and pray that the good Lord will just take me out of […]
Ahhhhh it’s September (way to point out the obvious Julia) and I’m 100 percent pushing summer out the door like it ain’t no thang. Goodbye sweat stains in strange places, you have been anything but kind to me, and I blame you for my nonexistent dating life (kidding, I blame a ton of other stuff […]
I am currently sitting on 28,567 e-mails in my inbox. I’m either absurdly popular or have a problem with signing up for crappy subscriptions that I once planned on opening and literally have never even touched. Unfortunately it is the latter and am wanting to gouge my eyes out every time I look at my […]
After renting the sommelier documentary on Netflix, Somm, I lately have found myself to be a bit of a wine connoisseur. And a terrible one on that note. The acid is pungent…. much like….. grapes when fermented…….. (duh) … smells like baking spices, some sort of jelly doughnut…. a well balanced old fashioned and pepperoni […]
Pinch me, please. Okay, that’s enough cyber pinching. But yes, I still am dreaming about this event I was invited to be apart of by Alive Magazine for a dinner on the orchard at Eckerts Farm in Illinois and I still can’t get over the beauty, mood and the food from that evening. Granted I spent the […]
DOES ANYONE ELSE HERE HAVE AN OBSESSION with Halo Ice Cream? It is seriously ruining all of my kitchen time where I should be busy developing recipes, but instead I find myself grabbing one of my ten pints of “Birthday Cake” (and that is definitely an underestimate) and calling it a day (or a meal). I’m just […]
So i just got back from spending a week in Tennessee and am madly in love. no joke. those cowboys are b-e-a-utiful. oh, and the state is pretty charming as well. but still, the men (well, i admired the view from afar, i find that I am becoming increasingly more and more creepy as I get older). […]
So my site has pretty much been on a lockdown for the last eight days and every time there seems to be an issue I remove myself from the situation, turn my computer off, and pray that when I turn the computer back on everything will be much better. Even though that literally solves nothing and […]